Antibody Screen
Antenatal Antibodies; Anti C; Anti c; Anti D; Anti Duffy; Anti Fy; Anti E; Anti K; Anti Kidd; Anti Jk; Anti Kell, Anti-Jk1, Anti-jka, Anti-jk2, Anti-jkb, Anti-jk3; Anti M; Red Cell Antibodies; Blood group antibody; Rhesus antibodies; RBC antibody screen
$35.00 (Price may varies - consult Transfusion)
Many services are free for eligible patients. A minimum charge may apply. Prices listed are for unfunded, individual, requests. Please contact us for commercial testing.
6mL EDTA tube (Blood bank tube)
2 days
ANSC (See Waikato notes)
For Antenatal Antibodies with known/positive antibody or sticker indicating "send sample to NZBS Waikato Blood Bank" - register RBCA, and send to WHL, will be tested in NZBS
1 week