Use dedicated "Antenatal Screening for Down Syndrome and Other Conditions" request form
Collection date details must be recorded on the request form
First trimester combined test is blood test plus Nuchal Translucency (NT). Blood must be taken between 9 weeks and 13 weeks 6 days gestation.
Second trimester blood test must be taken between 14 weeks and 20 weeks 6 days gestation.
Integrated test is blood tests in both the first and second trimesters plus Nuchal Translucency. The first trimester blood must be taken between 9 weeks and 13 weeks 6 days gestation and the second trimester blood between 14 weeks and 20 weeks 6 days gestation.
Processing Information
Registration Code
Register to AMAT and copy to requestor
Separate within 4 hours of collection; record SPUN time on request form