Immunology; Referral
Many services are free for eligible patients. A minimum charge may apply. Prices listed are for unfunded, individual, requests. Please contact us for commercial testing.
PLW; Referral
1 week
Referral to Waikato Hospital Laboratory, see Sendaway notes
Process inhouse PLW Immunology. Freeze upon arrival at PLW in bottom of Immunology chest freezer.
Process inhouse PLW Immunology. Freeze upon arrival at PLW in bottom of Immunology chest freezer.
Process inhouse PLW Immunology. Freeze upon arrival at PLW in bottom of Immunology chest freezer.
Process inhouse PLW Immunology. Freeze upon arrival at PLW in bottom of Immunology chest freezer.
Waikato Hospital Laboratory
Referral laboratory will not repeat calprotectin testing within 28 days.
Frozen (at least 4 hours)