Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD)

Test Information

Test Name

Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD)


CAPD Fluid; Peritoneal dialysis fluid



Processing Information

Registration Code

See notes

Group Contains

Peritoneal Dialysis fluid; dialysate aspirated or in bag; CAPD Patient blood (SST); CAPD Patient urine


  • CAPD for Microbiology = CAPD
  • CAPD fluid = MCAP
  • CAPD Blood = BCAP
  • CAPD Urine = UCAP
  • PLW Sendaway code = CPDF

Inhouse CAPD testing:

CAPD fluid MUST be received either in:

  • A two litre manual exchange bag (preferred) - if more than one bag is received make sure to process the most turbid one regardless of volume
  • Or two full 60mL pottles aseptically transferred by ward staff (from the large cycler bags)
  • DO NOT accept large (21 litre) bags into the laboratory as they pose a risk to staff due to their weight and volume.

Site Specific Notes

- Waikato

Register CPDF, sendaway to WHL

- Tauranga

Register CAPD, processed on site, refer to specific lab protocol

- Whakatane

Register CAPD, processed on site, refer to specific lab protocol

- Rotorua

Register CAPD, processed on site, refer to specific lab protocol

- Taupo

Register CAPD, processed on site, refer to specific lab protocol