EBV nucleic acid

Test Information

Test Name

EBV nucleic acid


EBV PCR; EBV DNA; EBV Quantitation; EBV Viral Load



Price Disclaimer

Many services are free for eligible patients. A minimum charge may apply. Prices listed are for unfunded, individual, requests. Please contact us for commercial testing.

Preferred Specimen

6mL EDTA (Whole blood)

Testing Location


Turn Around Time

1 week

Collection Information


Monday to Thursday only

Processing Information

Registration Code



  • DO NOT centrifuge
  • DO NOT share sample, dedicated tube required, DO NOT share EDTA tube with CBC
  • 6mL preferred, 4mL acceptable
  • Process samples within 24 hours of collection (Must arrive in LabPlus within 24 hours)
  • If plasma viral load required, MUST write PLASMA EBV VIRAL LOAD on the form. All other requests will get whole blood testing. Please send still WHOLE BLOOD even if Plasma EBV Viral load requested.

Site Specific Notes

- Tauranga

Paediatric Patients (Oncology/ Under Starship doctors) send sample directly to referral laboratory

- Whakatane

Send sample directly to referral laboratory A+



View Interpretations

External Referral Information

Referral Location

LabPlus (via WHL)

External Lab Website