EMA Binding Assay
Hereditory spherocytosis screening; Osmotic fragility; Red cell fragility
Many services are free for eligible patients. A minimum charge may apply. Prices listed are for unfunded, individual, requests. Please contact us for commercial testing.
EDTA (Whole blood)
Appointment required, Monday - Wednesday collection only for Bay of Plenty region. PLT: Mon & Tues only.
Forward all samples to lab ASAP.
Notes for Haematology:
Refer patient to Waikato Hospital Laboratory
Sample can ONLY be collected on Monday or Tuesday between 2-3pm.
Waikato Hospital Laboratory
Referring laboratories must provide x6 4mL EDTA 'normal' blood samples which are collected at a similar time to the patient sample and transported along with the sample.
The sample must arrive at Waikato Hospital Laboratory within 48 hours from the time of collection. Samples must be kept at 4C at all times.