Fragile X gene analysis

Test Information

Test Name

Fragile X gene analysis


FraX; Fragile X syndrome; FMR1



Price Disclaimer

Many services are free for eligible patients. A minimum charge may apply. Prices listed are for unfunded, individual, requests. Please contact us for commercial testing.

Preferred Specimen

EDTA (Whole blood)

Testing Location


Turn Around Time

6 weeks

Collection Information


All routine requests for both microarray and Fragile-X tests will be tested by microarray in the first instance. Fragile X testing will only be performed if there is a known family history or if the clinical features meet the UKGTN Fragile X testing criteria.


  • Diagnostic referral <15years through a specialist service
  • Diagnostic referral >15years requires referral through Neurology; Psychiatry or Genetic Services
  • All predictive/carrier only through Genetic Services
  • Premature ovarian failure referrals can be accepted through Obstetrics
  • Contact Genetic Health Services NZ 0800 476123 for further query
  • Genetic Health Service NZ contact details click here

Processing Information

Registration Code



  • DO NOT centrifuge
  • DO NOT share sample
  • DO NOT freeze sample



View Interpretations

External Referral Information

Referral Location

LabPlus (via WHL)

Send Away Transport

Specimen delivery Ambient on day of collection. Refrigerate overnight or weekend then send ambient

External Lab Website