Hepatitis B

Test Information

Test Name

Hepatitis B


Hepatitis B serology; Hepatitis B surface Antigen; HBsAg; HBsAb; Hepatitis B surface antibody; Hepatitis B core antibody; Hepatitis e antigen



Preferred Specimen

Extra SST

Testing Location


Turn Around Time

3 Days

Clinical Update

View Clinical Update

Collection Information

Patient Requestable



All infectious serology requests will require accompanying clinical details in order for testing to proceed. Exceptions:

  • Hepatitis Foundation screening protocols
  • Haemodialysis screening protocols
  • Antenatal screens
  • Immigrations medicals
  • Patient paid requests
  • Prisoners (Hepatitis B, C and HIV only)
  • Sexual Health Clinics/Screens (Syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B & C only)

Non- specific requests for "Hepatitis Screening", "Viral Hepatitis Screen", "Hepatitis serology", etc. will only be tested for Hepatitis B and C. Hepatitis A will no longer be tested for when such requests are received.

Processing Information

Registration Code

see notes


  • Hepatitis B Surface Antigen/ Hepatitis B surface Antibody/ Hepatitis B core Antibody/ Hepatitis B e Antigen and Hepatitis B e Antibody will be processed according to what has been requested on the form.
  • ## Pathlab users - please click SOP link for correct registration code and charges
  • Hepatitis B Core IgM - refer to HBCM
  • Hepatitis B DNA/Viral Load - refer to HBVL


Sample Storage


Sample Stability

1 week


View Interpretations