Ionised Calcium

Test Information

Test Name

Ionised Calcium





Price Disclaimer

Many services are free for eligible patients. A minimum charge may apply. Prices listed are for unfunded, individual, requests. Please contact us for commercial testing.

Preferred Specimen

Blood Gas Syringe (Hospital)/ Extra SST (Community)

Testing Location


Turn Around Time

1 day

Collection Information

Main Lab Only



  • Hospital requests - URGENT, process within 1 hour of collection
  • Blood gas syringe - collect on ice, send to lab ASAP
  • SST tube - DO NOT OPEN - Must not be exposed to air; Ideally full tube; see sendaway notes

Processing Information

Registration Code

See individiual site notes

Site Specific Notes

- Waikato

Referral to Waikato Hospital Laboratory, registration code ICA, see Sendaway notes

- Tauranga

Process inhouse Biochemistry, Hospital request registration code BGAS; Community request registration code ICA

- Whakatane

Process inhouse Biochemistry, Hospital request registration code BGAS; Community request registration code ICA

- Rotorua

Process inhouse Biochemistry, Hospital request registration code BGAS; Community request registration code ICA

- Taupo

Hospital request registration code BGAS performed by hospital staff on ED istat when required. Community request registration code ICA - Process PLR Biochemistry, unopened sample to send to PLR.

External Referral Information

Referral Location

Waikato Hospital Laboratory

Send Away Notes

Anaerobically collect 5 mL into an evacuated tube, preferably an SST tube as they are more stable. Red top vacutainers may also be used. Spun within 4 hours if sample at Room temperature. Keep spun sample at 4C. Centrifuge only, do not make aliquot.

Send Away Transport

Transport the sample at 4°C (preferred) or at ambient temperature.

External Lab Website