JC Virus Antibodies

Test Information

Test Name

JC Virus Antibodies


JCV, JCV Antibodies, JCV status; Stratify JCV

Preferred Specimen

Extra SST x2

Testing Location



View stratify-jcv-request-updates-referring-laboratories

Collection Information


  • Antibody testing for MS patients is available from Unilabs Denmark, the patient must be enrolled appropriately before sending any samples.
  • Sending clinicians must log onto the Unilabs website to register the specimen.
  • Unilabs will provide the unique barcode and their request form.
  • This must be completed before sending.
  • Please only use barcoded tubes provided.
  • Samples are sent to CHL to forward to Unilabs in Denmark.

Contact Information

  • Peter Armitage - New Zealand Business Manager , Biogen Idec NZ Limited , +64 (0)21939334 (peter.armitage@biogenidec.com)
  • Website click here

Processing Information

Registration Code



  • Spin Primary red top collection tube for 10 mins, 1800-2000g
  • Pipette the serum into the krone cyro aliquot tube
  • DO NOT label the aliquot tube with PID or reference numbers. The 10 digit number on the tube is adequate identification

External Referral Information

Referral Location

Canterbury Health Laboratory

Send Away Transport

Aliquot into Unilabs pre-labelled (with a 10 digit number) and barcoded tube. All other aliquot tubes are not acceptable. Send Frozen.

External Lab Website