Neutrophil Oxidative Burst measurement

Test Information

Test Name

Neutrophil Oxidative Burst measurement


Flow cytometry using the fluorescent dye DHR (dihydrorhodamine 123), Neutrophil function test



Price Disclaimer

Many services are free for eligible patients. A minimum charge may apply. Prices listed are for unfunded, individual, requests. Please contact us for commercial testing.

Preferred Specimen

2x EDTA (Whole blood) + 2x EDTA (Whole blood) from control person taken at the same time

Testing Location


Collection Information


Monday - Wednesday collection only for Whakatane. All other regions Monday - Thursday collection only.


  • A control specimen MUST be included with specimens so that the effects of transport and storage can be ascertained.
  • Sample must be collected early morning

Processing Information

Registration Code



  • Notify referral laboratory sample been sent 3074949 extension 22061
  • This test has replaced NBT (Nitro Blue-Tetrazolium)
  • Samples must be tested on day of collection, and must be received in LabPlus by 1400 hrs.
  • External Labs please send in an URGENT bag clearly indicating that this is an URGENT time critical specimen.

Site Specific Notes

- Waikato

Refer patient to WHL

- Tauranga

Send sample directly to referral laboratory

- Whakatane

Send sample directly to referral laboratory

- Rotorua

Send sample directly to referral laboratory

- Taupo

Send sample directly to referral laboratory

External Referral Information

Referral Location


Send Away Transport

Store at 4 degrees immediately after collection and transport samples at 4 degrees

External Lab Website