Parathyroid Hormone

Test Information

Test Name

Parathyroid Hormone





Price Disclaimer

Many services are free for eligible patients. A minimum charge may apply. Prices listed are for unfunded, individual, requests. Please contact us for commercial testing.

Preferred Specimen

Extra SST

Testing Location

PLBOP; Referral

Collection Information

Patient Requestable



  • No tourniquet preferred

Delivery and Handling

Sample stable up to 8 hours in room temperature/2 days in 4C/ 6 months in freezer. Sample can be accepted up to 48 hours if kept in fridge temperature.

Processing Information

Registration Code



  • Waikato sample stability: Serum: RT 8 hours; 2-8C 48 hours; -20C 6 months. Sample can be accepted up to 48 hours if kept in fridge temperature

  • Inhouse testing sample stability:

  • Serum: RT 4 hours; 2-8C 8 hours; -20C 6 months

  • Plasma (H/E): RT 8 hours; 2-8C 48 hours; -20C 6 months

Site Specific Notes

- Waikato

Referral to Waikato Hospital Laboratory. Monday to Friday Mid-day: send ambient; Friday mid-day to Saturday: freeze aliquot (together with any other ambient test in the same aliquot) and send frozen on next Monday.

- Tauranga

Process inhouse Biochemistry

- Whakatane

Process in PLBOP Biochemistry

- Rotorua

Hospital request process in PLBOP Biochemistry; Community request referral to Waikato Hospital Laboratory

- Taupo

Hospital request process in PLBOP Biochemistry; Community request referral to Waikato Hospital Laboratory

Alternative Specimen

Plain tube

External Referral Information

Referral Location

Waikato Hospital Laboratory

Send Away Transport


External Lab Website