Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Culture (TB Culture)

Test Information

Test Name

Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Culture (TB Culture)


Mycobacteria, Acid Fast Bacilli, Short Term AFB, TB, AAFB; Mycobacteria culture; TB sputum; Mycobacterium culture


$70.00 per sample

Price Disclaimer

Many services are free for eligible patients. A minimum charge may apply. Prices listed are for unfunded, individual, requests. Please contact us for commercial testing.

Preferred Specimen

3x early morning sputum samples collected on 3 different days required, other sample types see notes

Testing Location


Collection Information

Patient Instructions


  • Each specimen is to be collected on different morning
  • Sputum is coughed from lungs into container provided on awakening; not saliva from mouth

Processing Information

Registration Code

TBS (Sputum) or TBSN (Other specimen type)


  • TB Urine refer to page
  • TB PCR refer to page
  • Other specimen type acceptable: Bronchial washings; faeces (immunocompromised patients for MAIC); tissue; aspirate, CSF, blood and bone marrow
  • Gastric Aspirate (Lavage): Add equal volume of 10% sodium carbonate to gastric aspirates when arrive in the laboratory, in a biohazard safety cabinet.

External Referral Information

Referral Location

Waikato Hospital Laboratory

Send Away Transport

Refrigerate if delivery delayed

External Lab Website