White Cell Enzymes

Test Information

Test Name

White Cell Enzymes


WC Lysosomal Enzyme, Arylsulphatase A



Price Disclaimer

Many services are free for eligible patients. A minimum charge may apply. Prices listed are for unfunded, individual, requests. Please contact us for commercial testing.

Preferred Specimen

EDTA x 3 (whole blood)

Testing Location


Turn Around Time

8 weeks

Collection Information

Main Lab Only



  • Micro collects are unsuitable
  • BOP/ WHK/ROT: Mon- Thurs collection only. Must be at lab before 4pm
  • TPO: Mon- Wed Collection only. Must be at lab before 9am.

Processing Information

Registration Code



  • DO NOT centrifuge; whole blood required
  • DO NOT refrigerate/freeze
  • DO NOT share sample; dedicated tubes required
  • Whole blood must be transported at room temperature

From LabPlus website:

White cell enzymes are used to diagnose children with suspected lysosomal disease. In general the cost for a screen is only slightly more than the cost of one particular enzyme. By ordering 'white cell enzymes' the following enzymes (diseases) are analysed:

  • beta-galactosidase (GM1-gangliosidosis)
  • beta-hexosaminidase A (Tay-Sachs disease)
  • total hexosaminidase A (Sandhoff disease)
  • arylsulphatase A (metachromatic leucodystrophy)
  • Glucosylsphingosine (Gaucher disease)
  • beta-galactocerebrosidase (Krabbe disease)
  • sphingomyelinase (Niemann-Pick disease types A & B)
  • alpha-fucosidase (Fucosidosis)
  • alpha-mannosidase (Mannosidosis)
  • acid lipase (Wolman's disease)
  • plasma alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase and alpha-mannosidase (I-cell disease, mucolipidosis type III and Schindler's disease)
  • palmitoyl-protein thioesterase I (Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis, NCL1), (infantile Batten disease)
  • tripeptidyl peptidase I (Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis, NCL2), (late infantile Batten disease).

Note: If you suspect a mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) then the screening test of choice is urine mucopolysaccharides (GAGs)

Site Specific Notes

- Waikato

Refer patient to Waikato Hospital Laboratory between 1000-1230.

- Tauranga

Send directly to referral laboratory (LabPlus). Phone 0800 522 7587 ext 22016, Email biogen@adhb.govt.nz with courier details

- Whakatane

Send directly to referral laboratory (LabPlus). Phone 0800 522 7587 ext 22016, Email biogen@adhb.govt.nz with courier details

- Rotorua

Send directly to referral laboratory (LabPlus). Phone 0800 522 7587 ext 22016, Email biogen@adhb.govt.nz with courier details



View Interpretations

External Referral Information

Referral Location

LabPlus (via WHL)

Send Away Notes

Notify Waikato Hospital Laboratory prior to sending sample

Send Away Volume


Send Away Transport

Whole blood must be transported at room temperature and received in the referral laboratory within 24h of collection to ensure white cell viability and accurate results.

External Lab Website